Graphic Touch operator terminal 1024 x 768 pixels


Robust stainless steel operator panel

The stainless steel frame and casing offer protection and hygiene compliance to satisfy stringent health & safety regulations. The rugged stainless steel construction is resistant to acid-based cleaning agents and the streamlined design affords no front foil, visible labels or fissures where bacteria and other pathogens might hide.

The front enclosure is IP66 classified, water-resistant even when exposed to high pressure washing. The operator panel is configured with the user-friendly software tool Information Designer.

Optimal viewing
With 1024 x 768 pixels, this high-resolution 15.0″ TFT-display ensures optimal viewing in all conditions and large viewing angles.

SKU: ExterT150-st Category:


STAINLESS STEEL BEZEL Graphic Touch operator terminal. Backlit 15″ TFT 64K colour
display, RS232, RS422/485, USB, 10/100Mb Ethernet Ports. 24 VDC power supply.